Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Pieces towards you

         Love is War - Hillsong United

"Turn my eyes to see your face, all my fears surrendered. Hold my heart within this grace, burden turns to wonder. I will fight to follow, I will fight for your love, owe my life forever to the triumph of the son of God, Jesus.

         By: Aaron Browning

          Lost and found. That is a country who's youth knows the lyrics to a rap song instead of the scriptures of Jesus who is calling out for our love. For most of us purity brings us back to family and love. Those innocent days spent coming home after school with the smell of pasta cooking for a family dinner. That first good test score in college, that first crush for a woman who actually lit up not only your eyes but your faith on fire, many moments of happiness. These were innocent times before your eyes witnessed true pain from a friends death or a meaningful dishonesty from a  family member, friend, or peer.
           Do what makes you happy, but seek God honestly. Admit your falls as a man or woman, as a young adult. Understand that I too faced many crossroads and not every choice was noble. However God kept my heart close to him, and I never had to endure the big fall(s) that would hinder me from an abundant life. You may feel lonely, but thank God for his touch on your life; because he is waiting on the right time, and the right person instead of an instant pleasure he will provide you a 50+ love.
          As we grow up the true meaning of Love becomes more defined as we see why there are so few forever friends and a rare honest love between two. We discover the life of righteousness against choosing sin  as we begin to see the outcome of our choices as life unfolds. We also realize the true  frailness of our spiritual guide against an overbearing - sinful world. I wish that I could give every young child an aged moral compass that I have refined throughout the trials of my own life so that they could see the substance in a life close to the Lord as opposed to this world. I think God's glory & power lie in the journey towards our own humbleness towards God.
          You will find this moral compass the more you seek God, and wisdom will reverse in terms of age because you will find him in your younger days as is said in the bible about the end times before the coming of Christ. You will face a crossroads of different significance at several points in your life even daily. I can't give you a book full of images from the effects of my choices but a lesson: Each time I ignored God's calling, or my faith in God's will I never felt fulfilled.  If a man is in war, I would assume there comes a time to close off emotion in order to quantify the situation; and endure. This discipline is learned through the benefit of choosing good over evil. It is the same discipline that makes a good father, mother, husband, wife, president, overall human being. Without you, you will never be happy.
          In the confusion you may grasp for a temporary pleasure or lust, a rebellion of certain walls that you thought were "exciting" to break down, but one day you will look back in young wisdom and put all of these pieces, your decisions even the smallest ones together. When an artist draws a picture he does so in stages. Sometimes we want to see the bigger picture without painting the strokes necessary to attain it. We see the end without the toil of our work. We were meant to wait until marriage because true love is a 1 + 1 = 1 combination, the temptation of your eye or solitude of mind may lead you astray but God's plan for marriage is and was to create a bond unbreakable by man or this world. For that bond to be true love, you have to embrace discipline and paint the small strokes to grow together without biting off the ending far too early on otherwise you have a breakable relationship built on impulse not heart. A very easy metaphor is the watering of a tree, you may not see the growth instantly but the small chances you have to take hold of discipline to choose right over wrong at a young age in life will fortify you as a fortress of purity and a man or woman destined for happiness and the right life, not later on after mistakes but early on in true love. God will always help aim your sail back straight, but it was never his plan for you to stray. That was your choice, and choices; but his love will always be there, because it prevails and he fills our life with hope again & again.  Embrace him, and stop the carousel.
            We live in a battleground for good & evil, a real-world war in terms of spirit. Like any soldier your equipment isn't a gun or physical armor, but a heart of purity that is refined through each subtle choice at a particular crossroads that you make. The world's culture will tell you to live freely, on emotion and seek not your inner discipline for an everlasting love but a fleeting wind of short-lived pleasure that has no foundation set in your heart. A world that denys God will tell you to act on temporary pleasure, to abhor good for "fun" and to ignore the patience of love. Even the most distant to good will tell you that chapters don't tell the story, it's the everlasting love of God that will put you on the right highway in life.
           God's will doesn't include those choices that we make as sinners, but his mercy will rescue a true repentant heart. If a man says to you "but this was God's plan, when you erred you did so in honest fault". The only truth to this last sentence is honest fault, It is free will that allows us to choose sin or the world over God's path. It was never God's plan to fall from grace and choose lust, adultery, or the world over being patient towards the Lord's plan. We however are sinners, but we must understand the blessings of God if we remain true to him with an honest whole-heart.
            Life is long, understand that you will figure it out and the sooner you seek God the clearer your ability to choose the right choices, and not waste any more time. God bless you all.

           I turned 27 this November, a short 3 weeks ago and I guess my message to you in the youth is this:

Life is truly a puzzle of pieces not just of moments but of you and the outcome of your decisions. It is so difficult admittedly to connect the dots early on, but one day you will put them all together. You may not know the wisdom of life now because your living in a fast lane of social media, distracting music, and a country distant to our God in terms of our choices and chosen idols of fame, and money. You were given the freedom from our God to choose. Pride isn't just before the fall but it's before the surrender of our haughtiness and the moment in life where you hunger in thirst for God and not worldly things. It is when you will honestly feel a tear fall from your eye and thank God for his touch on your life to be able to humble yourself before the Lord and understand everything you are is from God. You will one day have the mind for love, the safety of an exit door to bad situations, the ability to open your own door to a balcony view of peace. When you can honestly stand in awe of your own humility and understand God's love against your once perceived knowledge, at this point you will finally understand that being a Christian isn't about labels but rather a  heart that rejects filth from your ears, eyes, and mind. The moment your heart is connected to a goal of wealth over Godliness is a moment of declaration shouting your true distance from our God. It may seem like you are lost now and tied down by either your parents love or maybe circumstances you can't control, but understand that you have a lifetime full of decisions and moments right around the corner. You aren't meant to know it all right now, but if you trust in God with your heart and give him your whole-heart you have nothing to worry about.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Billy Joel once sang "And so it goes.."

Sunday 02/05...4:20 AM.

To CW: Sara Bareilles - Gravity

Something about the Band of Horses sound. Music is life, not all good, some of it bad. Yet, that ability of  each song to carry us back to  an innocent memory. To take you back to a clean slate of pure thought. As I stare out my window, four floors up; I see the moon behind a sketchy grey & black sky, almost breathing. I don't know what it means to be right some times, if at all really.  I just know that life is not lived if you live in regret. Life is not exactly about knowing where you are going, but it is about enjoying where you are because I have realized that for too long I've worried about chasing perfection. But how foolish, I've missed out on love before because I was trying to be perfect. I don't know, i guess it was God's will because it happened; but sometimes as a believer you question your faith; which means you need to speak to God more and renew your spirit. & sometimes it takes believers to tell you that God is love, and that focusing on your perfection's will anchor you down and not be used for God's greatest of glories. It should never be about who you were, throw a bomb at that past and move on, shed your skin and keep your soul.  That's truth.

Some times when you lose a love, your mind races around the same graveled track. You think by running more and more, you'll tear up the pebbles under your feet and hit a new path a place far away from the pain. But that's not how it works, you can ignore love; and try to look up in the sky at night , knowing this world is huge. Yet your heart tells you there's a chance that love is looking right back up to that same sky. But the error is that is your memory, she's looking into another set of eyes. If another person moves on, your chasing a ghost; and you are meant for something more warm & real. Let it be, jump on a different track. Billy Joel once sang "And so it goes.." So leave.

The point is, sorrow and pain can happen when you're living in solitude; but fear and worry are worse than regret and sorrow because it prevents growth for your life. Never do it. Don't live like a ghost or a diary life bur choose to live like a new star...blowing up in new places in the fastest of energies. Don't question your heart, follow it. 

I have never had two months off of anything. From 2004-2009 I worked full-time or went to college full-time. I never sat back and said, what if. What if I don't chase the easy way out, what if I never put my hand in front of my life's bowling ball. What if when I released that ball 8 years ago I pointed it straight in thought but in reality it's completely off it's trajectory. The greatest thing in life is rejection, because rejection causes you to read life's lines, the real ones. It causes you to step away and and enjoy your own solitude to find out who you really are. No longer do you aim for being fake, you aim for being real because realness is what attracts your love, not some temporary lust. What if you die tomorrow, will you be known for settling, for staying, for not doing?  Lust is the void for loneliness, Love is the glue to your life. What if i needed to say, alright God let me take a step back from this momentum and get it in the right direction. Let me face my insecurities and a new place to find out my own vertigo. I think those steps mean getting out of the way of your biases, close-mindedness and living. I dont know how many dates I turned down, how many trips i said no to, how many drinks i didn't take; and all the while I am happy about who I am but what i want to be is more than anything.

The point of this entire rambling is this: shatter your thinking. If you need to take a road trip to the west coast and see the beach do it. If you don't shatter your thinking you're like an artist that doesn't change utensils. There is a reason sharpening a pencil felt so good each time you did it and began to write again. So I challenge any of you to shatter it. Keep your morality, keep your faith, keep your dignity, keep your soul, Keep God, but shatter your walls and find out what you're truly mean to do. We're ticking down everyday to our fate, life's short; if it's money pray for faith to not let monetary reasons stop you from dreaming.

Good luck,


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Jesus, who have we become?

Deuteronomy 30:19 This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life...

First of all, "Hold up". Let us understand life.....our choice and the state of our generation. This country, our youth needs a wake up call in the spirit of the Lord. You've got Lil Wayne & Drake eating up the airwaves, "poppin" out jams about sex cars, money, and things of the world, life without salvation. What happened to 1950's America where Frank Sinatra sang about love?  No scratch that  what happened and honoring God's word over self.

This country is in the midst of a powerful crossroads, a media who dispels the existence of our God; and a youth taught to live on emotion over self-control.

There is a difference, and a reason God made love between two people; not multiple "pleasurable experiences". Now i wanna say that nobody is perfect, I too fall short of God's glory; but God expects more from each of us. How can we be teachers of faith or examples if we are mired in a funk, a hypocrisy?  He gives us all FREE WILL, to choose. We can choose to follow him, or choose to follow the world; but always know that our time here is short, and even if 85 years is considered "Long" it's nor guaranteed or very long compared to ETERNITY in heaven. Think of this, put your "85 years" up against
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000...keep adding zero's..

Think about that next time a kid talks cheap to you in lust, ask yourself "if this guy can talk about having sex with me, how is he going to be a good father to my kids; how in 5 years into marriage when we face stress be it financial or marital will he have the discipline to stand by me and not cheat on me if he didn't even have the discipline to respect me in words now. It's called red flags, character the understanding that a boy is a boy...a man a man; God made us all like minded but each of us has the choice of free will to choose  the will/discipline to be good, PURE.

It's not about turning a girl on, it's about LOVING someone; and doing what's right. I haven't always been perfect and I ask for God's forgiveness, and mercy; BUT at some point you will not feel a peace because you know the right way of doing things, the right way of falling in love, the real meaning of a honeymoon...

All im saying is stop around, look at the world around you; Star Gaze, look at Orion's belt and how it never changes only moves, and you can see it at anytime of the year millions of lightyears away, WHO ARE WE? compared to GOD and his awesome power! God spoke about the last days...the promiscuity, how man would become evil, the lack of faith in God among even believers, and most of all know that God loves you; whatever your sin, he is here for us through Jesus and if we accept Christ we are to be forgiven of our sins, to grow in faith and to have a peace like no other peace. If you think i'm nuts, well call God out on your own and have him prove to you his realness as he has done in my life, and understand that each time you fall in sin is not a time to waive a flag, it's a time to understand humility to our God, our true father; humble yourself as it says in scripture: and you know this, that in the day of temptation, pain, sorrow, joy, glee, heart-break, wonder, confusion, fear, anxiety, relief, joy, pain, hurt, sadness, love, rejection, conquer, timidness, anxiety, PEACE, that our lord, our God is the same God and same spirit that spoke to Moses, David, St. Timothy, Paul, and all the other great men of God yesterday, as he is today.

James 4:7-10 
7 So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world.

9 Let there be tears for what you have done. Let there be sorrow and deep grief. Let there be sadness instead of laughter, and gloom instead of joy. 10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honor.

One of my favorite life songs for us as believers, Jared Andersons "Pleasing to you"

Sanctify me
Clean out my closet
Take away anything that is not pleasing to You

Purify me
Destroy all my anger
Wash away everything that is not pleasing to You

I will be white as snow
I will be pure as gold
Jesus my heart must know
I'm pleasing to You

I give my life, my all
Taking the cross I will follow
Jesus my heart must know
I'm pleasing to You

Sanctify me
You are the light to guide me
To the place where I am 
Only if pleasing to You

Purify me
I need your light inside me
So the darkness flees
I can be pleasing to You

So come make me white as snow
Lord make me pure as gold
Jesus my heart must know
I'm pleasing to You

I give my life, my all
Taking the cross I will follow
Jesus my heart must know
I'm pleasing to You

Jesus my heart must know
I'm pleasing You

God bless.


Monday, January 16, 2012

A closed door is sometimes our own doing...not the Lord's.

Never question God's will for your life. Understand that God can give more to some and less to others ; yet what we can handle, and that "less" given to us can sometimes include even solitude. However if the ultimate goal of life is to live for Christ and obtain eternity in Heaven, if you end up in solitude yet are saved by God's grace, that is to be the greatest of all gains in this life.

Also know that we are held accountable in faith and by our actions, if God puts a love in your life; and you continue to stray in error; be it temptation or other, God closing a door is not always a result of his intent but possibly your actions. God's love to all was his mercy for everyone through the cross and Jesus, that is equal love. But, know that he can quickly take away a love if we don't deserve it in the deepest part of our hearts; and to choose wisely in your discipline and understanding of the opportunities God can give and take away. If you should fall, humble yourself and understand that God's love still means a chance at new beginnings a refined fire for God.


Friday, January 6, 2012

Perspective for the reality of God's role in our lives

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 
—2 Timothy 1:7

Sometimes in life...we need an event, a loss, a solitude for humbleness to ask for it's seat back into our lives. As a Christian man, I have failed on many fronts. Be it the temptation to lust, the forgetfulness to honor God's word in all decisions of my life, or the failure to see what it is that is right there in front of me from God. Be it a potential life-long love lost, or a moment slipped. Still our God is faithful to us. The same spirit that spoke to Moses, David, or St. Timothy lives today; and yearns for a bridge to each of us. I feel it each time I seek him. I question why I lost a love, yet understand it is God's will not our hearts will, or our minds will that trumps his plan. Who knows what my future son might murmer to me  one day that helps paint a picture of that purposeful plan, and why a certain person wasn't the one for me, and why a certain person is. God's will requires thoughtful persistence and discipline from each of us to attain that path of fruition; both spiritually and personally , but to chase a life without a foundation of  God is to chase a dream without reality. Let us not become so wordily that we are to forget the meaning of love. Let us not become so wordily that we forget the meaning of Christianity, to love our neighbor as thy self; to fear God's word and honor his ways. Finally Let us not become so wordily that we forget to be humble, that the world's objectives of ego, pride, money, or other are only distractions to God's true love.

We were all given a unique and beautiful blessing; that is life. Let the sin of the world not cloud your mind as a filter for man into the lust of sin, better; stand with his spirit at your strength in leading a lost world into salvation and the remembrance of the point of life. Though many deny Jesus as lord, it is known to those who seek God through the power of his spirit.

What is in patience? Ask the harvest, you toil the soil of your foundation. You build the future with your discipline. Promiscuity may appear attractive to the eye, but life's goal of family & love is not a foundation built upon promiscuity or lust. When your son or daughter looks you in the eye and asks "Daddy how did you meet mom, why are we here" You should be able to tell him with honesty, and credibility.  The lust of your eye will be the pin to your future prosperity both personally and eternally. I am a sinner who loves God, and am seeking his way to change my heart so that I can find that love. God will not allow it if you aren't ready in my personal opinion. This is a great starting point for all.

Maybe it's when we get older or when we start to face solitude that we see how small we are compared to God's creation; life. That family should be the most important thing in life and who we love....and most of all the love of a father who never leaves. Maybe it is perspective or simply a look to the moon at night that is all we need to see how wrapped up we can become in this world.

What makes us humble is growing up, through wisdom; and realizing that wordily things are simply man made; not spectacular like our God. Our time here is not guaranteed, to know/feel his spirit is the greatest peace through all. Other than family what you create here is not going with you after it all. In times of sorrow, solitude or happiness love your family, and our God who is still here among us. Listen & Pray.

God Bless

-Aaron, sinner but lover of God.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Mr. Zuckerberg Facebook's success is dependent on user base

Mr. Zuckerberg Facebook's success is dependent on user base; not fancy apps, logos, features, etc. Sure they are nice possbily even fun, but don't get carried away and become the AIM of AOL. You created a great recipe, that works. If you mess it up, which is what I believe Google + and others are hoping for you will become a Myspace story. I never thought facebook would fail because of the global reach, and idea that frankly my friend Joe Schmo is no different on ANY other social network, thus i stay on facebook because i interact with your large user base. The idea that when I, her, or you post anything we get initial reaction from others; and unfortunately thats why most people live life to appease people, or get gratification from others. However your user base will leave if you continue to add the unncessary hidden door in the gameroom. The status updates are neat, we're humans we like interaction; photo updates, friend additions, comments, basic human nature interaction tid bits. It works, what doesn't work is trying to enhance the basic features or make believe you have something more than just a place to interact with other egos. In studying business plans, and businesses the #1 fall from businesses is not listening to the customer, and not providing what the customer wants. Conrad Hilton was brilliant, possibly too brilliant; but he knew what people wanted, and he didnt bombard them with things they did not. Collective innovation that is desired is different than innovation from self; You may be brilliant yourself, but don't let that be your downfall.


I finally see a chance for facebook to fail, and to fail both suddenly & miserably. I wouldn't stand close enough to glimpse at a  facebook IPO next year. Even with a great product as it stands, their main leverage point is the equivalent of AOL's now ancient AIM; user base. In the 90's AOL was the first to pioneer this idea of communicating or modern appropriate "texting" to friends via the computer and they were brilliant with this idea, at least early on. However they aren't even the B team in terms of relevance in the internet world today. Nobody cares about the history of "important internet companies" or their glory days; besides maybe just those unique historians. Today we think of Google, Apple, and Facebook as the gold of the internet monetary system and companies who tied innovation with users in a, and please note this; functional manner. Apple works because people download a song, and it's simple; if Apple started asking for bells & whistles when you downloaded a song; it would fail as well. AOL is the step-child in a grown-ups world; in fact step-child may be giving AOL too much credit. AOL missed big time on change/adaptation on a recipe that they created; connecting people through the internet. They lost for a different reason, missing the connection. You will lose for messing with the formula; changing a good thing to the point of annoying your users. 

Now, facebook faces a similar problem. By making AIM's recipe edible; turning a 99 cent soft taco or AIM communicator from Taco Bell into a gourmet Mexican dinner at a fancy 5 star and not just a locally desired one, but a global one. Users were okay with change to a point & this includes myself, mainly because facebook could rely on their brand and control from having the most users of any social network and so they continued to bombard us with changes, some we liked and some we still don't. New flash to Mark Zuckerberg, research Coke's experiment  of 1985 and why customers refused to purchase that product. Certainly Facebook is not a tangible product, heck i'm not even sure if it's a product or service at all; other than feeling a void of peer interaction which by human nature is necessary, at least for most; this would exclude of course the hermit, or most impressive the leaders who prefer solitude over followers. 

The point is simple, when you have that much of  demand, you can slap face style change to us so long as it is  subtle and less frequent ; simply because we are willing to stay in your facebook world given the great appeal of the "user-base". Google + can't build that base quickly enough #1 because their interface stinks too many buttons out of place menus etc etc, Myspace is gone for good reason: because of facebook, Xanga is irrelevant.

Thus there is now a void: I would create name, and i would take your recipe and mold it to something that doesn't irrate users, maybe sir you are similar to the greats: think Howard Hughes to the point of over perfection. Or maybe you want to challenge a world that thinks they can't live without your product facebook and by that ego think that you can do whatever you like and keep your success, frankly this is a dangerous attitude. I believe timeline was created in fear of Google +, and to offer additional revenue streams to make your IPO next year more attractive; and you thought that innovation was needed for a superior product. Truth is, it wasn't innovation that was needed; because Google + only needed a status update, wall, photo album, and mass marketing to compete: You have a service that is nothing more than a communication channel for networking: The vairable is that you did it first, and have the users; who wouldn't leave until now. By getting ahead of yourself, your creation with timeline is too much and it will fail. Google + was late to the party, thats why social networks can't compete because all they are doing is maybe using a bird or different symbol for a status update, and add or intro a few fancy features; but the point is that the average  person only needs (1) social network like facebook, twitter is different; thus by changing your recipe like coke attempted in 1985; you will fail unless you begin to listen to your users.

- Aaron